Are You Using Video in Your Business in 2022? By Now you Should Be.

Sayers Solutions loves video and completely sees the power of video in marketing communications, and whilst we advocate our clients use this medium, we’re going to admit to not being the best at it … Do you feel the same?
For someone that is known for talking, Merewyn confesses that she is not a confident public speaker and finds it even worse when she’s been recorded. Like most people, she hates the sound of her own voice, and so sympathises with anyone that feels the same.
However, there’s no getting away from how powerful a video can be!
Its ability to translate the authenticity and clarity of a message, that a thousand words could never deliver. We also think a key element about video is, the are many other cues than just the words.
It’s also a lot easier for the recipient to absorb the information, and less difficult for you to get distracted.
But, it can appear to be more technical and expensive to get right, than typing up a few paragraphs of text.
Recently we’ve been getting to know Gareth from Clockwork Eye Video Productions, who are experts in video marketing and training.
This month we bring you a guest blog from our friend Gareth James from Clockwork Eye who talks about why you should be using video in your business.
Sayers Solutions works with partners to help us deliver a full service offering for our clients. We admit to not being an expert in all things and love to recognise people who are experts.
Over to you Gareth …
Video is the most effective medium to use on the internet.
Because it’s show and tell.
Show people your expertise and your personality.
Tell them how you can help them.
Not only this, but, it is also the easiest medium to create. So much so that once I have written this article I am going to record it and I know that recording it will be quicker and easier than writing, spell checking and reviewing the grandma, sorry, grammar.
Here’s a video link to watch this article.
So what is stopping you and others from getting your phone out of your pocket and then making a video?
We, at Clockwork Eye, have identified a long list of reasons why people either don’t try or try but give up when it comes to creating video.
I will outline a few of the most common one’s for you now.
‘I don’t know what to make’
The first obstacle here isn’t knowing what to make but rather understanding video as a medium. As soon as I say the word video then people automatically think YouTube or social media. But this isn’t the situation. I am going to say something now that will have other video production companies reeling like vampires at dawn;
Video is just a medium…
It is a medium that can be used for many different reasons. Yes, you can make content for YouTube and social media but why not other things like content for clients?
For example, if you have a product that you want to describe in more detail then why not create a video that explains it? However, you might not want that video to be public but would use it to send to a prospect after an initial meeting. Not only does the prospect get more information and reminded about your product but you now have a reason to follow up; “Did you enjoy the video? Did it explain everything ok? Do you have any further questions?”
But let us go back to ‘Video Marketing’ for a second, the content that you would make to gain other people’s attention. We are back to ‘I don’t know what to make’. This is actually easier to overcome than you might think.
Firstly, don’t make a video about ‘you’. I’m sorry to tell you this but in the majority of cases you talking about you is not that interesting.
However, what do you do in your business?
You solve problems. What problems do you solve? What questions are people asking about those problems?
Once you know and understand your audience’s behaviour then you can start communicating with them using video.
‘I don’t know what equipment I need’
The actual amount of equipment that you need is quite minimal in reality. Focus on clear shots, stable shots, good lighting and quality audio.
You have an excellent camera in your pocket, unless you’re my 84 year old father who still has a flip phone.
A tripod and tie clip mic will get you started.
If you would like a copy of our equipment list then complete your details here – – or email me and I will happily send you a copy.
‘I don’t know what to do with the videos when I have made them’
There are so many ways that you can get your videos seen. The first job is to identify where your audience are hanging around. Once you know this you can focus your attention on posting your videos in these areas.
However, don’t be afraid to experiment. You have already made the video so why not put it on other platforms.
The rule is though that you upload the videos direct to the platform that you are using.
This is simply because, even though all the big tech companies pretend that they like each other and get along fine, they can’t stand losing eyeballs. If you link a video from Facebook to YouTube in your post then their algorithm will mark your post down.
So, upload your videos to Facebook direct and the same goes for all the other platforms.
One thing that I do HIGHLY recommend is that you use YouTube. Even if your audience isn’t on YouTube. The simple reason for this is that Google owns YouTube and they favour it. That is why, when you do a Google search, you will rarely see Vimeo or other competitors videos come up in the search results. Even the ones on websites that come up in the search are probably embedded from YouTube.
There are plenty more reasons why people are held back from creating and using video when they should be which is why we put together our training packages.
Clockwork Eye can teach you how to create good quality, effective content easily.
They can help you set up your YouTube Channel and create subtitle files.
If you would like to find out more email, call on 01535 517077 or visit and they will be happy to help.
Sayers Solutions hopes you have found this article informative and interesting, as well as thought provoking.
So, are you using Video in your business? Want help including this into your marketing plan and delivering it as part of an integrated marketing mix, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
If you are an expert in what you do and think you would compliment the offering provided by Sayers Solutions please register your interest in becoming a partner and lets arrange to chat.