Huddersfield Giants Women Team

Last night Merewyn Sayers from Sayers Solutions spent a highly entertaining and enjoyable evening, surround by a room of awesome strong women at the Huddersfield Giants Women – Network and Sponsorship Event.
Super inspirational and empowering, there were lots of familiar and friendly faces in the room, including Helen Moss from Purple Dog, Janet Bebb from Social Progress, Katie (and Oliver) from Wired Coffee and Cake, and many more, including the awe-inspiring Nikki Patterson.
For the main part of the meeting attendees were sat on round tables and Merewyn was lucky enough to be sat by the amazing Helen Merville from the Laura Crane Trust, who works so hard at fundraising and raising the profile of the Huddersfield charity, doing work across the country helping teenagers with cancer, along with the fantastic Karen Hobson, who Merewyn has had the pleasure of knowing for many years, and who recently assisted her to raise money through her role at Key Fund with the aim of buying a discarded chapel to convert it into a Community Hub.
Also on the table were fellow BNI members Jane Iverson and husband Graeme who run HR with Confidence, providing a human and approachable Human Resource service, and Debbie Crellin from Crellin Consulting who assist charities and non-profit organisations do more of their fabulous work.
Joining Merewyn was her friend Clare Leonard who although not a business owner – and felt a little awkward when asked “and where are you from” and had to explain she actually had a J.O.B. working for a well-known bank – thoroughly enjoyed the evening (much to Merewyn’s relief) and had tears of pride in her eyes whilst listening to the amazing speakers and meeting the Goddess herself – Julia Lee.
The speakers were all superb
Each talked of their passion and pathways into Rugby League – which Merewyn had to confess she is still unfamiliar with, despite her father-in-law being an avid Leeds Rhinos fan. However, after last night, she has vowed to start taking more interest and much to the displeasure of her in-laws has become a Huddersfield Giants fan … in support of these amazing women.
The speakers included Lisa Jagger, who Merewyn has been aware of for many years, as she has attended previous HD8 Network events, however Merewyn wasn’t aware of her involvement in Rugby League, and the influential role she has had in sport.
Also speaking was Julia Lee a fellow BNI Terriers member who Merewyn has the pleasure of meeting each week on a Wednesday morning and loves that she is in her circle as she is a force to be reckoned with (get in touch if you would like to come as a visitor #winkwink). Although already familiar with her story, it doesn’t make it any less powerful hearing it again.
Lisa Darwin – the lady behind all of this and the CEO of the Huddersfield Giants Community Trust – set out with the mission, to make sure there were as many equal opportunities for women in sport as there are for men and what an amazing job she is doing. Again, Merewyn has the pleasure of meeting with her each week at BNI Terriers, which allows inside knowledge of the awesome work she is doing.
The attendees also watched a video interview of Jenna Brooks – a Sky TV presenter whose focus is on sport – talking to Lisa. They talked about how Jenna got into her role and the changes she has seen, we well as a video of her interviewing Jodie Cunningham, after the match when the Women’s International Rugby team won the World Cup.
If that wasn’t enough, the audience then heard from the tremendous Bethan Oates and Shona Hoyle, again talking about their pathway into the sport and sharing their passion.
One other larger than life character in the room was Big G, the Huddersfield Giants Mascot, who whilst being very friendly, welcoming, and comical, did freak out some of the attendees a little – including Merewyn. Guests were kept on their toes, not sure where to look or whether Big G was looking at them, or if he had gone into the changing rooms and changed into someone else completely.
The Huddersfield Giants Women team have had such an amazing year. Starting the season with the ambition of getting just one win under their belt, they never dreamed that they would end up winning the cup!
For anyone interested, there are several ways that you can support the girls, including sponsorship … however if you would like to join Merewyn, watching a match some time, you’d be more than welcome.