Women in Business post-event drinks

Don't grow up its a trap

At previous Women in Business events we have found ourselves chatting in the car park for ages, with one of the things being discussed was arranging another chance to get together ….

Well, the next Women in Business event is here (click here if you have not already booked your ticket) so we were wondering …. do you fancy going for a drink afterwards?

Many will have to rush off for the school run or other commitments … whereas others might think that they are already spending enough time at the event, which is fine …

However if you fancy meeting up and chatting further about the event and generally catching up and building relationship, we would love for you to join us.

At the moment, its just a casual catch up with fab women folk in the business world (of Huddersfield and surrounding areas) that we get on with, but in the corner of our mind we are wondering about making it an “official” post-event event …

What do you think?

Help us remember if you are interested or want reminding about future events by completing your details below.