Exhibiting your business at Conference

Exhibiting your business at Conference
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Going to conference takes organisation and planning

If you think you can JUST turn up and make sales from it, you’ll be most mistaken … or lucky, but in business, we need something more certain than chance.

Following our Blog about Kirklees Conference 2022, we share here some Sayers Solutions suggestions, to get the best results from attending conferences and exhibiting your business.

Prepare your stand

Think about the things you want to highlight at the event – products, services, offers.

Do you need a laptop or other equipment, and if so do you need power or Wi-Fi?

Order business cards and leaflets to be printed, along with any other merch and banners you might want on your stand.

Create a process to accept and manage the exchange of contact data. In simplest form this might be a a bowl for business cards, however Sayers Solutions would recommend QR codes and landing pages for people to enter their details (and consent!).

Have items available to attract people to your stand and start a conversation.  For example, Freebies like pens and mugs, Cupcakes, Project D or Scones … or on a very basic level Lindt or Celebrations.

Promote that you are going to be there

Use social media, email marketing, blogging, and attend other networking events to let people know that you are going to be there.

Invite prospects, contacts & customers – everyone is going to have an amazing time if more people attend.

Events like these are great opportunities to have shared positive experiences. It’s not (just) about the sale, it’s about the introduction and starting the process of relationship building.  We also believe this is essential to keep in mind for craft type fairs too.

On the day

Its’ going to be long.  Try having healthy snacks and drinks available. But in all seriousness, you will just be eating chocolates…

Wear sensible shoes – your feet are going to hurt by the end of the day!

Smile, say hello, give out business cards

Receive business cards, literature and freebies … Merewyn finds that it helps having a daughter who loves receiving this stuff … Merewyn says “the fights that are had over notepads at home are incredible and we are never at a loss for a pen”.

Make connections, share photos on social and use the event’s hashtag. In this instance it was #KirklessConf if you want to come and see what people were saying.

Events might have a social screens, showing posts using the hashtag.  Meaning when you share a post, people at the event will see your posts.

But also, people who won’t attend, attend via you and other posts using the hashtag.

Then do the follow up

Type up those business cards onto a spreadsheet (or scan them using an app)

Add to mailing list if you have consent

Send out communications and activate workflows to follow up.

Make those follow up calls.

Deepen those relationships through a variety of interactions.

And a whole lot more magic on and surrounding the day ….

Exhibitions are a great way to introduce your business to the market and in West Yorkshire we are fortunate to have well established events, that have regular attendees.  However, Exhibitions happen across the country and oversees.  With a range of types, varying between location specific and topic or industry focused events.

Merewyn recently attended CHS in Leeds, and is due to attend HubSpot by digital link later this month.

What is your experience with exhibiting your business?

Have you dipped your toe in the water or waiting for the right opportunity?

Are you pop up banner prepared, or do you have full exhibitor construction crew going on?

Want to find out more about Sayers Solutions and the service we provide?

Visit our website and perhaps even book a session with us – https://www.sayerssolutions.co.uk/book-a-session-with-sayers-solutions/

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