Now appearing as Sayers Solutions

For the past two years I have been introducing myself at BNI Terriers as the Effective Group. But my main business and at the heart of everything I do is Sayers Solutions.

Helping small businesses focus on what they do best, working on their Marketing and Strategy.

To do this I work with solution partners to deliver the “tactics”. For a number of years I have been working with the Effective Group, who have been doing the SEO and Google Ads for my (Sayers Solutions) clients, and this is how I ended up as a member of BNI Terriers.

Whilst the Effective Group and I both decided not to renew our membership, I am elated that my request to change category and company name has now been approved.

This morning was my first morning at Terriers where I was openly able to talk about my own business. I started by letting the group know about the next group course which starts on the 1st March.

The group sessions, over a 6 week period, will go through and explain the 4 Part Plan which I have developed over the last few years. It aims to simplify the business plan making it more meaningful and effective, as I found that many small businesses didn’t have one – they simply know it in their head, their heart and in their gut.

If you know anyone that would benefit from attending please point them in my direction or get them to visit my Eventbrite channel where they can book their place.

Want to find out how else I help my customers?

Read more here in my Services section of the website